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Community Oriented Policing

Scan for Problem People Scan for Problem Places

Analyze Problem People Analyze Problem Places

Respond to People Problems respond to Place Problems

Assess the Impact

The information technology that we offer will lead officers through the SARA approach to problem solving. This transcends traditional methods of evaluating problem oriented policing results.

This SARA approach incorporated into C.O.P.P.S. provides officers with a tangible tool to solve people and place problems.

"Accurate assessment allows officers to determine if the solution is working. If it is not, the results of the assessment may be used to revise the response, collect more data or even redefine the problem." **

A computer-based problem solving tool that identifies:

Information technology that can augment problem-solving efforts pertinent to many crimes and disorders including but not limited to the following:

Features and Benefits:

This approach is the first of its kind to take police departments beyond routine data collection to a systematically determined variety of suggested responses that lead to comprehensive assessments of problem-oriented policing.

"The officer responsible for devising the solution can take credit for a successful outcome."**

From the main menu the officer:
Has the ability to access data, identify and analyze hot "people" or hot spots of crime.
Can input answers to specific questions about scanned problems.
Will identify appropriate types of responses at different types of hot spots or for different types of problem people.
Can assess the impact of the implemented responses in a systematic and vastly comprehensive approach.

Our computer software was developed in consultation with Professor Lorraine Green Mazerolle of the University of Cincinnati who is nationally known as an expert in applying the SARA approach to dealing with drug, disorder, and violent crime problems.

** John E. Heck and William Spelman (1987) "Problem Solving". Police Executive Research Forum