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Microsystems Integrated Public Safety Solutions, Inc.

Located in Melrose Massachusetts was founded in 1979 to serve the private sector in engineering and management consulting, software training and support. With the assistance of public safety agencies, Microsystems perfected the design of the crimeTRACK programs. Focus groups were utilized to create an environment that incorporated the agencies' computerization requirements from a focused to a broad perspective. The system is modular to accommodate the largest and smallest departments and is limited only by available hardware storage. More than sixty Public Safety agencies are presently utilizing this comprehensive data management system.

With well over 40 years of computer experience in areas of software programming, hardware integration, training and support, our technically solid staff has guided the automation of our clients from the installation phase to the operational phase making certain that the process is both thorough and expeditious. Our monthly crimeTRACK user meetings, monthly workshops and our 7x24 support is utilized by all Microsystems public safety agencies.

crimeTRACK offers:

Available crimeTRACK modules include:

Plus 33 Administrative Modules